Can Allsorter automatically create a summary section if one is not provided?

Learn more about the summary section on Allsorter.


In case the candidate does not provide a summary, but you have one on your template, don't worry! The system has got you covered with two solutions:

AI-Enhanced Summary Extraction

This feature extracts key information from a candidate's resume and generates a concise summary, providing a quick overview of their qualifications and experience. You can use the other features from our AI Productivity Suite to change the tone, alter the perspective from first-person to third-person and vice versa, make it more consize or elaborate on sections. 

Automatic Summary Extraction

The candidate's latest work experience will be used to generate the summary section. However, if you want to avoid this, you can add a second version of your template without an automatic summary section.

Just reach out to our specialist team to help you customize your template.

