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AI Productivity Suite

Learn more about our AI Productivity Suite

Allsorter's AI Productivity Suite helps you create truly personalized experiences between candidates and hiring managers for every opening. 

Here is a quick overview of the features in our AI Productivity Suite:




Now, let us delve into the details of each feature. 

AI-Enhanced Formatting     

It identifies and corrects grammatical, punctuation, and formatting errors, improving overall text quality.


This feature helps keep things discreet. It replaces names or identifying information with placeholders, ensuring privacy and confidentiality.

First Person

Change the perspective of the CV/resume. These prompts switch between using "I" or "we" (first person) to modify the narrative perspective.

Third Person

Change the perspective of the CV/resume. These prompts switch between using "he," "she," or "they" (third person) to modify the narrative perspective.

Tone of Voice    

Set the right tone - chatty, relaxed or professional with this feature. These prompts adjust the language style, making it informal and friendly (chatty), casual (relaxed), or formal (professional). You can choose the tone that best suits the client's culture. 

AI Cover Email

This feature automatically generates cover emails for recruiters, streamlining the process of communicating with employers about candidates. The generated emails are designed to be efficient and effective in presenting candidate details to potential employers.


Trim it down to the essentials. It condenses text, removing unnecessary information to make it brief and to the point.


Add more detail and depth to specific sections of the CV/resume. This prompt elaborates on text, adding details and context for a more comprehensive explanation.

AI Summarise

This feature extracts key information from a candidate's resume and generates a concise summary, providing a quick overview of their qualifications and experience.

